Zachy Zone  CPP File Shredder Portfolio Details

Program information

Zachy Zone CPP File Shredder Details

The file shredder, opens a file and overwrites each byte of the file with random data multiple times and then deletes the file. The purpose of a file shredder is to do a better job at deleting the data of a file, and to do it quicker, compared to a normal file delete. This is due to two main factors.

#1 When a file is deleted, the file is just un indexed, and it can take months or more for another file to replace its blocks of memory on the hard drive.

#2 Even if a file is deleted and another file replaces it blocks of memory on the hard drive, the deleted files contents can still be recovered as it takes multiple overwrites of the blocks memory to not be able to recover the data.

The file shredder, has a number of features for program users and from a coding standpoint

#1 Optional Number Of Overwrites Parameter - set how many times you want to overwrite the file

#2 Make File

#3 Unit Tested

#4 Open Source Code

#5 Organized Code In Multiple Files